PCP at a glance

PCP AT A GLANCE 28 February 2024

The PCP Tender at a glance: A new suite of resources

Watch our informative webinar and read the executive summary and the tender factsheet to gain insights and highlights on the IMPRESS PCP Call for Tenders.

A new suite of resources dedicated to the IMPRESS PCP Call for Tenders is now available for companies and all other interested parties. The "PCP at a glance" suite comprises an informative webinar and two short documents that provide a concise and exhaustive overview of the IMPRESS project, the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and the tender contents.

The webinar offers valuable insights and clarifications regarding the technical and procedural aspects of the tender process, document preparation and bid submission. Engaging presentations are followed by a stimulating Q&A session, aimed at delving deeper into specific issues and obtaining exhaustive explanations from our experts.
The informative event opens with an overview of the IMPRESS project and the PCP provided by Regina Ciancio, our Project Coordinator, followed by an explanation of the various aspects of the PCP Call for Tenders. Martina Börger, procurement expert and project partner, explains the procedure for document preparation and bid submission. Amir Tavabi, Technical Project Coordinator, discusses the key technical aspects of the PCP Tender. Finally, Stephan Corvers, senior procurement expert and project partner, explains the formal and legal framework of the tender.

Accompanying the webinar are two brief documents specifically designed to provide an instant overview of the PCP Call for Tenders. These two materials complement each other. The IMPRESS PCP Executive Summary offers a general overview of the PCP procedure, whereas the IMPRESS PCP Tender Factsheet delves deeper into key contents of the tender documents.

The "PCP at a glance" suite of tools is primarily targeted at companies interested in participating in the Call for Tenders, but it is open to anyone keen on making groundbreaking innovations in transmission electron microscopy and related fields.

Watch the PCP Call for Tenders Webinar

Read the PCP Executive Summary

Read the PCP Tender Factsheet