Euro-BioImaging ERIC

Euro-BioImaging ERIC is a European research infrastructure that provides state-of-the-art imaging technologies and services for life sciences research. The infrastructure is designed to meet the needs of scientists from diverse fields, including molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, structural biology, and others. Euro-BioImaging provides open access to imaging technologies, expertise, and data management services, helping researchers to advance their research projects and achieve their scientific goals. The infrastructure is composed of a network of imaging Nodes across Europe and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), thus providing access to >100 individual technologies.

Our contribution to IMPRESS

Euro-BioImaging has a considerable number of Nodes that offer Electron Microscopy services, with an extensive EM service expertise that includes techniques such as cryo-ET, freeze-fracturing, Tokuyasu-EM, volumeEM (FIB-SEM, SBF, Array tomography), CLEM, and CXEM. They constitute a large community of early adopters of technology developments that IMPRESS project will drive forward. Euro-BioImaging is involved in the project by (i) disseminating project developments to the biological imaging community, (ii) driving training on project developments for technical staff at Euro-BioImaging Nodes in the EM field, and (iii) providing support for the bioimaging use case via the University of Maastricht - AMMI Node of Euro-BioImaging, to ensure that technology developments are beneficial and adopted by the bioimaging community.

Our dedicated team

Ayoub El Ghadraoui's portrait

Ayoub El Ghadraoui

EU Project Manager
Claudia Pfander's portrait

Claudia Pfander

Coordinator Industry Board
Johanna Bischof's portrait

Johanna Bischof

Scientific Project Manager
Camilo Guzman's portrait

Camilo Guzman

Scientific Officer
Ilari Pulli's portrait

Ilari Pulli
