Founded in 1923, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) relies on a human resource heritage of about 8500 people, of which over 70% employed in research and support activities to research, as well as infrastructural resources, consisting of 7 Departments, 88 Research Institutes, 30 research units at third parties, three permanent bases at the poles and 228 laboratories and facilities scattered throughout the Italian territory. Expert in developing instruments for analytical techniques, CNR participates in IMPRESS with four Institutes.
CNR-IOM conducts interdisciplinary research on the atomic scale physical properties of nanomaterials and systems. It has a centre for electron microscopy, six beamlines at the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility, and a centre for computational theory. The Centre for Electron Microscopy performs analysis of nanostructured materials and methodological applications. It includes a TEM/STEM laboratory, a SEM facility, and a sample preparation laboratory. It is led by Dr. Regina Ciancio, who is also the Project Coordinator of IMPRESS.
CNR-IMM is a multidisciplinary research centre with expertise spanning from material characterization to the study of micro- and nano-fabrication technological processes, and the design and fabrication of integrated devices.
CNR-Nano is an internationally renowned leader in the field of methodological and instrumental studies in TEM and in modelling and theoretical computation.
CNR-ISPC is the CNR hub for cultural heritage research, innovation, and technology transfer in cultural Heritage.
CNR is responsible for the management and coordination of the project and will contribute to the scientific activities of IMPRESS, with special regard to WP5 and WP6.
We will also contribute to WP7-Dissemination, Exploitation & Training activities.
As a co-procurer, we will contribute significantly to all the steps of the pre-commercial procurement, from the definition of the technical requirements of the prototypes to be delivered, to their testing and adaptability to other instrumentation.